Unrest and violence, political instability and natural disasters punctuate the recent and past history of Haiti, the Caribbean country with the worst economic and social indicators in Latin America and the entire Western Hemisphere. Still today, many areas of the country - and even the capital Port-au-Prince - are still affected by widespread violence and a prevailing situation of illegality that prevents the functioning of basic public assistance services for over 800,000 people in conditions of great vulnerability. Naturally, the earthquake aggravated this situation and also highlighted the country's overall organisational fragility.
The PCN projects are aimed at emergency and post-emergency relief, ensuring the protection and safety of street children and the neediest families in outlying suburbs of Port-au-Prince, and an assistance network for basic nutrition, medical care, restoration of education and reconstruction.
Caritas St. Antoine
Fondation Montesinos
Fondation Haïtienne pour le Relevement et le Developpement (FHRD)